
Monday, 18 March 2002
In the last couple of weeks I more than once had the privilege to walk into a decision maker's office with empty hands. The first point on the agenda is a demo of rule based roster planning software on his very own desktop, without installing any software, simply using a browser.

Of course one is not sure of the screen resolution, platform or browser the customer is using. But a platform independent web demo, suitable for every screen resolution vaporizes any infrastructure concerns. Nothing convinces like a demo in one's own office.
 Roster software project 
Feasability Study Rapid Application Development Implementation
Analysis Prototyping Object Oriented Development
Rule Analysis (Method:From Neuron to Rule) Java Bean Design 

Feasability studies are no longer necessary. All kind of questions suddenly become irrelevant:

  • Is rule based roster planning technically possible?
  • Does the SUMit roster software fit our IT infrastructure?
  • Is the software compatible with our network?
  • Does the bandwith of our internet connection suffice?
  • Does this PC have sufficient processing power?
At the end of the demo the customer is left with just a few questions:
  1. What is the price?
  2. How fast will I reach the breakeven point?
  3. When can I start using the system?
In a nutshell, platform independence shortens the acquisition cycle. So, if you are in need of roster software: schedule an appointment for a demo and...

Let's start!

next week,