18 June 2007
Earth is getting warmer.
Here in the Netherlands summer started in April.
The Netherlands are getting a sub tropical climate and that is fine with me.
The climate change is less fortunate for other places on earth.
Australia is suffering severe droughts.
A shortage of drinking water is eminent.
Now that is less desirable.
What to do if deserts expand?
Where to go?
- Look at earth from above the poles.
- In winter it is way too dark in the polar circles.
- The extending deserts will worsen the water shortage.
- The place for a comfortable life will be between polar circle and the edge of the growing deserts.
| In the northern hemisphere Canada, Scandinavia and Siberia will become the hotspots to be.
| In the southern hemisphere
New Zealand's Southern Island
is the place to be.
So think ahead.
Buy your share of land
sub tropical Siberia
next nut,