
Monday, 6 January 2003
From now on, Nut's Weekly will not appear weekly anymore.

Roster Generator Things are going well at SUMit. A growing number of companies see the added value of exclusive software, perfectly tailored to their specific situation.

In November 2002 SUMit enforced itself with an account manager. It gets more and more busy at SUMit HQ.

The prospects for 2003 are very positive, with a growing number of new customers that will choose SUMit's roster software. Fortune Chocolaatje A Fortune Chocolate of The Great Wall (, the excellent local Chinese restaurant predicts a very good business year.

Since 1998 I have been writing a column every week. As things get more busy now, this is too big a burdon for me to carry any longer.

I'll relax a bit on Nut's Weekly. I'll keep on writing, but

Nut's Weekly is now renamed to Nut's.

Happy 2003 and till next Nut's,