
Monday, 20 January 2003
Trains are far more comfortable than cars.
There is more space
Last week, en route between Utrecht and Eindhoven I laid down in the train.

I love to hover to my destination stretched out on three chairs in a private cabin. That way one is able to give a rule based roster software demo all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, even at 8:00 in the morning.

Trains rock less
Sleeping in a train is possible because the train is not that bumpy.
The tracks are smooth, hardly have any bumps or holes. Travelling by train is more like hovering than riding.

Could a car hover over the road?

Yes, it can, even with the current bumpy roads.
It does require a different construction with a revolutionary different suspension.

Current design: react

  1. With the current design the front wheels get the first hit.
  2. No matter how good the suspension is, the body receives at least part of the impact.
  3. And just when everybody has recovered, the rear wheels get the second blast.

Alternative: anticipate

  • A car gets multiple wheels on each side.
  • An infrared sensor sees each bump in the road in advance.

  • The car anticipates the upcoming bump.
  • The front wheel rises before it hits the bump.

  • The first wheel smoothly clears the bump.
  • The second wheel rises in advance.

  • The first wheel quickly regains contact with the road.
  • The second wheel clears the bump.
  • The third wheel rises in advance.

  • The middle wheel nicely clears the bump.
  • The front wheels have regained full contact with the road.
  • The rear wheel keeps the car stable.

  • The front wheels have full contact with the road, keep the car stable.
  • The second last wheel moves over the bump.
  • The rear wheel rises.

  • Almost all wheels have regained full contact with the road.
  • The read wheel moves over the bump.
  • The car passed the bump.
  • The passengers did not notice anything.
  • It is as if the car floated over the bump.
Till next nut,