
Blackheath, Monday 24th January 2005
The water shortage in Sydney must be over by now. Bridal Falls has multiplied itself compared to a few days ago. It has been raining for days in the Blue Mountains and al this water flows towards Sydney.

The George Phillips lookout is hidden in the clouds. Heavy fragments of fog make Pulpit Rock play hide and seek. Just once in a while a part of Grose Valley shows. Odd enough the other side of the valley enjoys sunlight.

This place allows you to stare at the same sunny view for days in a row, but now it a different view every second. The wind hurries through the valley and pushes the clouds up the cliffs. It is like someone is making a giant soup down there.

Forced by the rain I started touring around a bit. Yes, I did see the 3 sisters at Katoomba. And yes, I did like the view, but not for long. A few hundred chatting Asians are busy there collecting evidence. There camera's are new, all digital, but their way of making photographs remains, collecting alibi's: stand in front of a recognisable tourist hotspot and look as seriously as possible. There is a queue for the "Echo Point" sign.

Katoomba annoyed me, it's too touristic for me. There are restaurants everywhere, tourist shops and Internet cafes.

Mount Victoria was more to my likening. At the feet of Piddington Rock I take shelter for the rain, in a kind of mini valley. A soft layer of chalk has eroded and offers a comfortable seat. At my feet water finds the lowest point of the road. Being Dutch I can't help to change this flow of water. I create a small dam with my feet. The water flows an other way, but starts nibbling on my dam immediately. The dam does not keep for long. Soon the water has created a wide passage. The mini river re finds its old track. What remains of my dam are small eroding islands. It is like watching a mini Grose Valley for millions of years.

I like these surroundings, but rain and fog are not the things that attract me in Australia. So I'll board the train, heading for sunnier views.

Till Broken Hill,