Taiping, 21st March 2006


My foot does feel a lot better after the doctor treated it. I follow all his rules, wear shoes and take four different kind of pills a day, exactly following the pre described schedule. I fail to remember the benefit of each pill, that part of the explanation was too much to remember. But the pain is going down, yet walking remains a bit troublesome. The Punjabi doctor at Klinik Ra'yat does an excellent job.

The Casuarina Inn is a bit outside city centre. My usual morning walk takes me along the lake Gardens to a fresh newspaper, some roti canai for breakfast, followed by Internet café and supermarket. My workday starts halfway through the morning, upon completion of my morning walk, while customers in Holland are still asleep.

Now, my painful foot is breaking up my morning routine. I do manage to make it to town, but I feel it hurts the wound. So the easiest solution is: stop walking.

Kampung Hijau (Green Village)
  • Nature Excursions
  • Bicycle rent
+60 12 619 5432
The hotel does have a good restaurant, with a lovely view to the Lake Gardens and the jungle on the mountains behind it. The open air restaurant is a fine place to hang around, as long as you wear earplugs against the deafening noise of the television. The only thing lacking is an Internet connection for answering questions of customers.

The bicycle of the housekeeping lady has limited availability, only while she is on duty. At night the bike is gone, as it is her means of transport for getting home. So it is not available for an early breakfast in town either. A bike available for 24 hours a day would be good to maintain my independence.

There is no way I can borrow a bike here for a couple of days. Renting a bike is an alternative possibility. The one available is an old model, a antique lady bike with a cute basket up front. Now this is something different to the sturdy mountain bike in Katherine, but it serves the purpose.

An antique lady bike with a basket is not really what you would call a broadband connection, but to me it is a high speed gateway to the rest of the world. My customers in Holland have just entered office when they get replies by e-mail, in the early Malaysian evening.

Till next nut,