24th April 2006
Yippie, my CD player plays music again.
For years that CD player has been gathering dust.
The lense was worn out.
I did not have the time to get it repaired.
Now, I still do not have the time, but it has been posponed long enough.
It is OK to play CD's on the laptop for a while,
but doing so for years is too much, even for me.
Finding a handy man able to repair is a bit tough.
- Browsing by bike through the city centre yields no results.
- An initial internet search bears no fruit either.
It seems that CD player repair is not a popular subject in Gouda.
The only repair service I can find is the
Service Centrum Gouda.
The technician gives me an estimate of the costs.
Yes, I do know that this equipment is old, probably beyond 15 years.
Economic laws dictate to write this player off,
but I kind of like it because:
It is able to hold 5 CD's.
It means hours of continuous music, to my own taste, a kind of personal radio,
while I set back and relax with a Saturday newspaper and a whiskey.
The repair is a success.
A few days later the CD player has clear vision with a new lense.
John Williamson enters my living room with his
Chandelier of Stars.
- I heard his singalongs first time during a
Sahara tour
Carl, the Australian guide, was amazed that John Williamson is world famous, only in Australia.
- The past couple of months the radio played John Williamson,
while I was working on the laptop in a local SUMit headquarters.
Now, it is like the Australian outback joined me on my travel back to Holland.
The new music of John Williamson shuffles with other artists.
Those artists emerged from dust, but sound asif I've heard their sonds only yesterday.
Over the years I have completely forgotten some of the songs.
So that music is new to mee too, because it is so old.
Not gathered any dust or undusted, they both sound as new to me.
next nut,