Monday, 23 September 2002

What is the
Object Oriented Normal Form?

Last week you read that the third normal form is fine to model data into a a logical database design.

OONF Definition

A collection is in OONF
if it is in 3NF and
contains meaningful data elements only.

An example

A Cup contains Pens and Pencils of different colour. In 3NF you'll find only 2 entities. The attributes last sharpened and ink type are sometimes meaningful, sometimes not. Last sharpened is only meaningful for Pencils. Sharpening a Pen is nonsense.

Ink type is only meaningful for Pens.

Description 3NF OONF
  • Only Pencils can be sharpened.
  • Only Pens have ink of a certain type.
cup number
Cup size
cup number
Cup size
writing utensil number
last sharpened
ink type
* cup number
writing utensil number
* cup number
* writing utensil number
ink type
* writing utensil number
last sharpened
The OONF is a bit odd at first sight, having 3 entities sharing the same key.

The relations of Writing Utensil with Pen and Pencil are of the special kind one-to-sometimes-one. Conceptual model of Cup, Pen and Pencil

  • Some writing utensils are a pencil.
  • Every pencil is a writing utensil.

OONF in the Conceptual model

In the conceptual design the OONF consists of 3 entities.
  1. Writing Utensil is abstract.
  2. Pen is a specialisation of Writing Utensil.
  3. Pencil is also a specialisation of Writing Utensil.

Database design

In the physical database design you can
  • Implement 3 separate tables, with foreign keys from both Pen and Pencil to Writing Utensil.
  • Implement 2 tables, for pencil and pen, after de normalisation of all attributes of Writing Utensil.
  • Implement one table by combining all three, a step backwards from OONF to 3NF.

Object model

When mapping a conceptual model to an OO model the OONF remains. Till next week,