Bel Air National Park, 20 March 2007


This journey is reaching its end. This afternoon Malaysia Airlines will fly me back to Kuala Lumpur. It will be a nice flight, from Adelaide right across Australia. It has been a good journey. Taiping is my regular base away from home. My office there was the terrace of the Casuarina Inn, with a beautiful view.
The Northern Territory is nice warm and lovely tranquil. I kind of like the Top End. The wet season was a bit too wet for the Katherine Hot Springs. They were still flooded, more pools of mud than a good place for a dip. Thanks to Glen Bird for his Katherine Internet service and explanation about Aboriginal culture.
There is little to do in Katherine. That why it is the perfect place to puzzle about the SUMit on line shift roster program. The GUI design advice of function psychologist Leonard Verhoef have kept me busy for quite some time. His motto: Screen designs should fit humans like a glove fits a hand. The possibilities of hand, eye and brain are the basis to him for a design.
Only a fraction of the eye's vision is sharp. Long sentences demand tiring eye movements. News papers apply small columns. It is pleasant, results into less eye movements. Should books be in small columns too? And so should be on line columns like this one? Is it easier to read a patch work of sentences? I'll ask, as soon as I am back in the Netherlands.

Till next nut,