
Monday, 22feb1999
The new year has started. "Has started"? It's end of February! Yes, the year of the rabbit (.../rabbit.htm)!

The Chinese horoscope (.../chinese_horoscope.htm) is based on years, not months. The signs iterate every 12 years. Happy New Year So, older rabbits are now 12, 24, 36, etceteras. My sign, the dragon will be back in the year 2000.

There is a second difference between the horoscopes. Western horoscopes (www.women.com/.../love) usually predict fortune & bad luck, love and heartaches, ups and downs. Chinese horoscope for 1999

The Chinese are more business minded. Success and fortune get most emphasis. 1999 will be a good year for me and my fellow dragons. Superstition? Yes sure, I myself have more confidence in sound planning software. Well, some good advice and positive expectations won't hurt.

Gong Xi Fa Cai (a prosperous new year).

Till next week!